When One Teaches, Two Learn

Figuring out children's ministry one day at a time

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? – The Wedding at Cana – John 2:1-11

This Sunday was the first week of a four-week series we are doing during children’s church called “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” based on a set of lessons from Ministry-to-Children.com.  Each week we will explore a time where Jesus shared a meal with someone, starting off with Jesus first miracle at the wedding at Cana.

Goal:  Today we will learn about Jesus’ power and the abundance he brings to our lives through exploration of the story of Jesus turning water to wine.

Key Scripture:  “So, in Cana of Galilee, Jesus did his first miracle.  There he showed his glory, and his followers believed in him.” – John 2:11

Here’s What You’ll Need

  • Box of birthday supplies (i.e. party hats, gift bags, noise makers, balloons, etc.)
  • 2 clear pitchers
  • 2 packets powdered drink mix
  • Beanbag
  • CD player and music
  • Review challenges/questions printed on slips of paper
  • Play-Doh
  • Copies of the “Miracle at Cana” activity page
  • Colored pencils
  • Props (i.e. scarves, robe, pots, etc.)

Introduction:  Ahead of time, prepare a box with birthday supplies.  After showing the kids the items that you have in the box, ask them what else they think we might need to throw a birthday party.  Direct the conversation to the idea that the birthday cake is missing.  Explain that Jesus was once at a party, not a birthday party, but a wedding party, where something important was missing.

Lesson:  Tell the children the story of the miracle at Cana.  Be sure to explain that running out of wine at a party during Jesus’ time was like if you were to run out of birthday cake at a birthday before everyone got a piece!  When you reach the point in the story where Jesus turns the water to wine, place two pitchers in front of you, one filled with water and the other empty, but with some powdered drink mix on the bottom.  Pour the water into the pitcher with the powder mix and show the color change.


  • Did I just do a miracle or was it more of a magic trick?
  • When Jesus changed water to wine, was it a miracle or magic?
  • What’s the difference?

Finish telling the story, then explain that not only did Jesus provide for a physical need, but the Bible says that “he showed his glory and his followers believed in him.”

Play a review game version of Hot Potato.  Pass a beanbag around the circle as you play music.  When the music stops, the child holding the beanbag will have to complete a review challenge drawn from a bucket.  Possible review challenges/questions are listed below:

  • Say, “Jesus had God’s power to do miracles,” while standing on one foot.
  • Say, “Jesus had God’s power to do miracles,” while jumping in place.
  • What did Jesus turn water into in this week’s Bible story?
  • Where did Jesus perform the miracle that we heard about today?
  • Name the person who told Jesus that there was no more wine.
  • How did the disciples feel when they saw Jesus’ first miracle?
  • What did Jesus tell the servants to fill their jars with?
  • From what New Testament book does this week’s Bible story come?
  • Find the book of John in the Bible.

Have the kids come up with words or phrases that remind them of the lesson.  Write those words on a paper plate and add to the “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” display in the hallway.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Assessment - Week 1


I wrote down what the kids told me almost word-for-word.  It is important for them to feel validated, so unless a response was disrespectful or flat-out wrong, write it down.

Paper Plate Assessment - Wedding at Cana

Doing an assessment like this can also help you to clarify any misunderstandings the kids may have.

Conclusion:  Have the following activities prepared in case extra time remains.

Creating Clay Jars:  Provide the children with Play-Doh to create models of clay jars, like the ones that held the water and wine during the story.

Miracle at Cana Activity Page:  Provide the children with colored pencils to complete the Miracle at Cana activity page. I used the one on page fifteen of this document.

Retell the Story:  Provide the children with a few props, such as scarves, a robe, and pots, to reenact the story together.


Peter and John Heal a Lame Man – Acts 3

This Sunday continued in our series on the book of Acts and, to be honest, one that I have looked forward to the most.  Any Donut Man fans out there?  If you are, then you probably remember his song “Walking and Leaping” that is based on this passage.  I could hardly wait to teach it to the kids and – to my surprise – there were even a few that already knew the song!

Goal:  Today we will learn about Peter and John healing the lame man by the Beautiful Gate.

Key Scripture:  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  – Acts 1:8, NIV

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Masking tape
  • Boxes
  • Bible times costume
  • Crutches
  • Cup
  • Coins
  • Mat
  • Poster with lyrics to “Walking and Leaping”
  • Paper plates
  • Bible
  • Crayons
  • Ribbon
  • Filling (plastic beads, dried beans, etc.)
  • Several copies of the 7S – Peter and John Puzzle
  • Pencils

Introduction:  Set up hopscotch in the hallway (using masking tape) leading up to the classroom.  As the children approach the room, have them hop through the course.  Before they enter, remind the children that we should be thankful for our legs.

Lesson: Ahead of time, use a variety of boxes (or other creative supplies!) to create a gate (The Beautiful Gate).  Check out last week’s post to see how I made ours.

Dressed in the Bible times costume, have props (crutches, cup, coins, mat) located with your Bible near the Beautiful Gate.  Tell the story from the perspective of the lame man.  I used Kelly Henderson’s monologue that she made available on Ministry-t0-Children.

Afterward, teach the children the Donut Man song “Walking and Leaping.”  Have a poster with the lyrics available.

I had the kids walk and leap around the room during the chorus, which they loved 🙂

Conclusion:  Have the following activities prepared in case extra time remains.

Celebration Shaker:  Color the back of the paper plate with designs and colors that express joy and celebration. Fold in half. Cut 4-6 strands of different colors of curling ribbon, each strand at least two feet in length. Knot the ribbon strands together at one end. Staple the knot to the inside of the paper plate at one of the corner folds. Staple the plate two-thirds shut, making sure the staples are side by side along the edge of the plate (this will keep the filling from falling out). Put two small handfuls of filling into the paper plate. Finish stapling shut.

You’ll go from this:


To something like this:

Peter & John Bible Puzzle: Have the Peter and John Puzzle photocopied ahead of time.

Walking and Leaping Reenactment:  Allow small groups of children to sing the song “Walking and Leaping” while reenacting the story by the Beautiful Gate.  Allow the children to use the props too.

One little girl used her celebration shaker during worship in the second service!  What a beautiful connection.

Have you seen our other adventures through the book of Acts?  Check it out!

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Dave Wakerley

Figuring out children's ministry one day at a time

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Figuring out children's ministry one day at a time